I think that I first read Robin's blog before Facebook came along. I appreciate Robin's love for God and for writing.
Here is my Q&A with her.

My blog is part of my author website at www.robinleehatcher.com.Tell us a bit about yourself.
It doesn’t have a title anymore, although it did years ago.
Here’s my official bio:Share a few sentences or a paragraph about your blog.
Robin Lee Hatcher is the best-selling author of over seventy-five books. Her well-drawn characters and heartwarming stories of faith, courage, and love have earned her both critical acclaim and the devotion of readers. Her numerous awards include the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA® Award for Best Inspirational Romance, Romantic Times Career Achievement Awards for Americana Romance and for Inspirational Fiction, the Carol Award, the 2011 Idahope Writer of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement Awards from both Romance Writers of American (2001) and American Christian Fiction Writers (2014). Catching Katie was named one of the Best Books of 2004 by the Library Journal.
Robin began her writing career in the general market, writing mass market romances for Leisure Books, HarperPaperbacks, Avon Books, and Silhouette. In 1997, after several years of heart preparation, Robin accepted God’s call to write stories of faith and hasn’t looked back since. She has written both contemporary and historical women’s fiction and romance for CBA publishers (Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Revell, Steeple Hill, Tyndale House, Multnomah, and WaterBrook).
Robin enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, reading books that make her cry, and watching romantic movies. Robin and her husband make their home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it with Poppet the high-maintenance Papillon, and Princess Pinky, the DC (demon cat).
I’m an eclectic and sporadic blogger. I love to host other authors and to do giveaways of their books. I post anywhere from three to ten giveaways a month. I blog two or three times a week, most weeks. I blog about the writing life. I blog about books that I have loved and movies I’ve enjoyed. I sometimes blog about Bible art journaling, a relatively new passion of mine that combines art with Bible journaling. Sometimes I blog about a spiritual lesson God has taught me.Share a link to one of your favorite blog posts and tell us why it is a favorite.
As mentioned above, Bible art journaling is a passion of mine, so I’ve selected a recent post about this form of worship, Six Weeks of Bible Art Journaling (Including a Flip-Through Video).Where do you find your inspiration to blog?
My inspiration for writing books comes from deadlines. I would say that applies to blogging as well. Although blogging deadlines are self-imposed, they do help me remember to write an original post every now and then. It’s easy to come up with something to write if I’ve just read a fabulous book or seen a great movie or when I have a new book releasing or when God shows me something new in my morning Bible reading. It is a little more difficult when my life is pretty much the same, day in and day out.Share your favorite quote and how it affects you or speaks to you.
Given enough time, I could probably come up with a couple hundred “favorite” quotes, at least. So my favorite at given moment will probably be one I have recently read or been reminded of. This comes from one of the books I read in 2015:Thanks to Robin for sharing. Send me an email if you are a blogger and interested in participating in my Q&A.
“Don’t seek answers; seek God. And the answers will seek you.” — Mark Batterson
So often when we read our Bibles or go to God in prayer, we make it about us. Make it about God speaking to us and answering our questions. When the first goal of Bible study and prayer should be to connect with and worship God Himself. This quote is such a great reminder to seek God and let everything else come after that.
Over 75 books is pretty impressive.
ReplyDeleteI like the self-imposed deadlines, but for me it doesn't always work for everything. It works well for me in blogging though.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out