- Naked I came. Naked shall I return :: utterances from a very numb person
- The Lord gave. The Lord has taken away :: a cloaked accusation of sorts
- It may be that my children :: worry, on the surface, is not problematic
- Shall we not receive evil? :: clichés keep us stuck in denial
- Job opened his mouth :: after seven days of sitting shiva, Job can no longer contain his hurt
- Why? :: sometimes questions keep us stuck in our pain
- What I dread befalls me :: suffering loss sometimes produces a fear of future pain
- He wounds but he binds up? :: a damaging theology that stifles the grieving process
- The arrows of the Almighty are in me :: blessed denial fades making way for intense grieving emotions
- Does God pervert justice? :: religious people sometimes feel a need to play detective with our pain
- Now you have destroyed me altogether :: bad theology can create toxicity in the one who us grieving
- You will forget your misery :: advice sometimes only angers people in pain and keeps them stuck in grief
- I am a laughingstock to my friends :: all Job could feel was a sense of finger pointing
- Though he slay me, I will hope in him :: such bargaining is further evidence that Job is grieving
- If a man dies, shall he live again? :: the death of a loved one causes us to contemplate our own mortality
- What is man, that he can be pure? :: there is a temptation to blame victims when bad things happen
- My pain is not assuaged :: sometimes training in church causes us to think in simplistic clichés
- My spirit is broken :: we need to step into our pain to release it
- Why are we stupid in your sight? :: "being there" for a grieving person can be awkward but very helpful
- I know that my Redeemer lives :: without hope it is so easy for grief to stall in despair and depression
- Look at me and be appalled :: in great loss our mind goes to dark places
- If ... Then ... :: the intense pain of grief can never be eased by rules, principles or formulas.
- He is not there ... I do not perceive him :: a person can feel so alone. sometimes God seems absent
- Oh, that I were as in the months of old :: dealing with the past is a normal and essential phase of grief
- I cry to you for help and you do not answer me :: grieving is complicated by unanswered prayers
- He burned with anger :: we learn to grieve because we have to
- The LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind :: all I hear is God asking Job to trust him
- I lay my hand on my mouth :: there is a time to be still and know that He is God
- Will you even put me in the wrong? :: it is so easy to lash out at God when we suffer great loss
- I have uttered what I did not understand :: only God can bring beauty out of the ash heap of our grief
- The Lord blessed the latter days of Job :: sometimes we get a second chance at life after grief
I dedicate these meditations to those who have suffered loss. Please feel free to share with hurting friends.