When Church Is A House Of Pain

I recommend you today to a post on Les' blog with the same title as above. Here is a clip of a compelling testimony written by Pam McCutcheon, a Christian who shares about the aftermath of losing her son
Do you know what Jesus did when He came upon the sisters of Lazarus right after he had died? The sisters were angry with Him, yelling, they told Him that if He had been there, Lazarus wouldn’t have died! Did Jesus say “but he is in heaven, a better place”? Did Jesus say “you might damage your witness by grieving so outwardly”? Did Jesus say “here is some Scripture”? NO. Jesus simply WEPT. He wept with them. He was deeply moved and He wept. Even though He knew He was going to resurrect him that very day. He wept out of love. (John chapter 11) I pray more would use His example and not say damaging things, but simply weep with those who weep.
I have disabled comments for this post so please click here to visit Les' blog. The post is so helpful for anyone wanting to know how to mourn with those who mourn. Also, please leave a word of encouragement there for Les and Pam.