What about Blog?

Do you have a blog? Tell us about it!

    •  What is the name of it?

    •  Why and what do you write there?

    •  How many times a week do you opine there?

    •  Tell us where to find it (i.e. the URL).

Look forward to hearing more about the place that you blog.


  1. Okay, I'll go first.

    At my blog

    My Cup Runs Over

    I've written about lots of things but now am doing a series on my faith journey from non belief to belief and back to unknowing.

    I am posting 3-4 times a week for now

    1. Love reading your blog Alice! Your writing style is genuine and transparent. Am really enjoying your current series of posts.

  2. You know my blog: PENLESS WRITER

    I began it in January, 2007 mostly to leave a history for my children, and especially my grandchildren to know more about me. The first surprise was all four of my children could have cared less about reading my blog! Perhaps someday they will appreciate it more. The second surprise was now quickly I built a strong connection and following with quite a few fellow bloggers, especially many young mothers. In the beginning the blogging world was a tighter, more dedicated group. With so many getting on fb that began to change. I stayed off fb for a long time for just that reason but finally gave in when even my Pastor started a fb account.

    In the beginning I posted a lot, and even some periods where I maintained it daily. I still enjoy my blog and use it mainly as a record of the happenings in my life. I am amazed how easily I can look back for a particular situation or date on my blog. I would call my blogging today more hit and miss. Sometimes I'll blog several days in a row, sometimes there will be few blogs a month. I truly hope to be able to maintain and keep it up. I have very much enjoyed and appreciated my connection with you, Kansas Bob by blogging .

    One of the biggest, totally unexpected benefit of blogging has been the 16 bloggers, from ALL over, who I have personally met. Plus several people I will never meet in this life time, but will know instantly in Heaven. One special one is a blogger from South Africa that I have come to love as a daughter and exchanged various gifts with and who has personally telephoned me on several occasions. How, outside of blogging would this ever have happened??!!!!

    Here is my URL: http:penlesswriter.blogspot.com

    1. What you wrote here Susan speaks to why you and I have been blogging friends for so long. You have such a wonderful heart for God and for the people who read your blog. And I resonate with what you said about being part of a blogging community. How great that you have personally met so many - I have met just a handful of cyber-friends.

    2. The first surprise was all four of my children could have cared less about reading my blog!

      I can relate, none of my family reads my blog either.

  3. I write at Pickle-osophy http://blestpickle.blogspot.com.au/
    It's mainly a creative writing blog, with occasional other articles, and I write at least once a week

    1. Thanks for reading here Lynne. I enjoy your blog! You are one of my original blogging friends!

  4. My blog is Warrior For Jesus. The link is http://shortybarsplace.blogspot.com/ I write about my life, and I write everyday.

    1. Thanks Denise! Looks like you left out an e from the url. Should be http://shortybearsplace.blogspot.com/

  5. Blog: Turning Over Tables

    Why: I write there to vent, mostly about my experiences with the "evangelical" church

    When: As oft as the mood strikes

    Where: notaprettysite.blogspot.com

    Turning Over Tables

    Did I do that right? LOL

    1. Did it right Don! ツ

      I enjoy reading at your place!

  6. I blog at Mike Erich - The Mad Theologian at mikeerich.blogspot.com where I put forth my opinions on theology and life from a somewhat different perspective. As you are no doubt aware as we have had some very interesting discussions.

    1. You are not such a mad theologian Mike! ツ

      I have so enjoyed our dialog at your place. You sharpen me!

  7. Bob, first, thanks for letting everyone share their blogs here.

    My blog is called "Calvinistic Cartoons" and can be found within three hours on the internet...usually.

    Let me just post a review from a well known company and let it speak for itself:

    "This blog is hilarious, engaging and also poignant. It may just be the greatest blog I've ever seen...namely, because I never read blogs. Your blog is packed with wit, humor and theological truth. But this is a factory that makes oatmeal. I honestly have no idea why you sent us your link. Good luck, though."

    Letter from Quaker Oats Factory, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    1. I think that I got this idea from you Eddie!

      Love your sense of humor and the creativity that I find at your blog!

  8. My blog is called Just Breathe. I write to share stories about my family in hopes that someday my grandchildren will get to know who I was and my heart. I only post a few times a week.

    1. I have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog Debby!

  9. My blog is http://shubsthoughts.blogspot.com/
    Short bits of trivia, high and low. Items include topics like debunking popular myths, origins and meanings of words, reactions to interesting things I read about, new technology and many other bits of bite size brain food.

    1. Thanks for stopping by DR Shubnell! I added you to my blog reader.

  10. http://joebaronesblog.blogspot.com/

    Just short comments on the mystery novels I've read since 2006. I write the blog mostly for myself. I like reading and writing and this blog gives me a reason to do so. Also, as the years pass, it helps me remember a few details of what I read.

    I also do a blog which lists three personal blessings each day. Again, it is for myself. Sometimes I go back and look at it later in the day to count my blessings.


    1. I think that we met over at Bill's blog Joe. Especially enjoy your 3 blessings blog.

  11. This is a challenge.
    How I started and why I do it.
    My cousin got me started as a way of sharing my photographs with him and a few friends.
    As time progressed I began following and being followed by several people.
    Now they are among people I call my deep friends.
    Right now I have Wanda and her husband from Got a Minute sitting in my living room.
    We have become Sisters and so completely enjoy being together.
    I usually blog about twice a week, once for ABC Wednesday and then around the weekend.
    Its fun and is like a photo and thought journal for me.
    Every year I print at ShareBook my years entries and now have 6 years worth of books to hopefully someday interest my family too.
    The blog is primarily for me. It has allowed me to share what's on my mind and heart and best of all...
    it has given me friends around the world.
    I have met 3 of my bloggers and in October another blogger will be staying with me for a week.
    Life is good.

    1. Love your photos Sue! More than that I have much enjoyed the encouragement of our online friendship!

  12. I am late in getting to this (too many things that are not very good has been happening over the past week :)
    Anyway, you know my blog pearlie gates :)
    I started in 2006 and have made some very good blogger friends, with you being one of them. I am so blessed to have known you KB.

    Writing is therapeutic for me - I write it like a open journal after mulling something for a whole day, or to just pen down my thoughts for the day, or just to record whatever that is special or prominent for that day. I use to write every day and did that for the first three and a half years, but stopped doing that when I started a job that took too much of me. I am trying to get back to writing daily but I seem to have lost it.

    1. "Writing is therapeutic for me"

      It is therapeutic for me too Pearlie. Sometimes the hardest things to write (like my post today) are the most helpful.

      And I am so thankful to have you as a friend for so many years. Perhaps one day I will find myself on the other side of the world and be able to tell you in person. ツ

  13. Oops - my link didn't work :)
    Its http://www.pearliegates.com


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