
The Guilt Trip | ★★★★★★★

Interesting how this DVD appeared in our mail box the week before Mother's Day. This movie reminded me of how funny Barbra Streisand was in her early career when she played the likes of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. I think that the image on the left captures the essence of the story of how a loving son reluctantly takes his mom on a cross country trip. The pairing up Seth Rogen and Streisand was perfect casting. I smiled and laughed all the way through it as the two characters tangled and talked in such a warm story. Here is the way one Netflix reviewer described it.

"This is really an '80s movie about a relationship between a grown son and his doting mother, and with the exception of some gratuitous bad language it has little in common with most of the crude and cynical comedies we see today. There is great chemistry between Streisand and Rogen, both are very much in tune with their characters, and I think a lot of mothers will relate to Streisand's speech to her disrespectful son toward the end of the film. My mother gave similar speeches to me, and this scene helped me acknowledge how right she was."

I liked Guilt Trip and think you might too if you enjoy heartwarming flicks. On a scale of ten, I give it ★★★★★★★.

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1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this movie when I saw it at the show.
    Hope you have a nice weekend Bob.


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