
Oblivion | ★★★★★

Yes, I know that I am usually not this early with a movie review. I saw this one yesterday at the movies with a buddy. I really liked the first half of it. The beginning was intriguing and a bit mysterious/suspenseful. Sadly the movie turned into a SciFi cliché filled with chase scenes and gratuitous computer generated fights. I hated the ending and wished that the plot had taken a completely different and more sane direction.

In the end the story simply had too many holes in it and just did not come together with any rationality. Part of the story line was understandable but so much of it took leaps that I had a hard time piecing together. Even so, Cruise was pretty good in the role.

All that said, I left the movie feeling apathetic towards it. If you like Tom Cruise action SciFi flicks you may like this. It is not as good as Minority Report but it is okay.

On a scale of ten, I give it ★★★★★.

Catch my other min-movie-reviews by selecting "Movies" above.


  1. Sorry you didn't like it. I haven't seen it yet but my kids loved it. I hope I get a chance to see it at the show. I saw The Big Wedding yesterday and it was cute.

    1. It is not a bad movie Debby. I can understand why some might love it. Nice special effects and good start. The last half of the story just didn't make much sense to me though.

  2. Not sure if I can rate this flick on a scale. It definitely wasn't my favorite. I like Cruze, but agree that he's done better stories. It had too many unsupportable quirks and inexplicable props and differences to keep me in the "escape" zone. I like Cruze and admire his stamina and physical capabilities for a 50+ actor, but think he's done better. I, too, liked Minority Report better. I enjoyed the film, but the story line was thin as it progressed.

    1. You and I are on the same page arosmith! What I liked the most about the movie was the friend that sat next to me. Makes me think that two Bobs are better than one!

  3. Solid review Bob. There's a lot of CGI, there's no denying that. However, the CGI in the movie is really good and I can't diss something about a movie when it adds to making the movie entertaining.

  4. Thanks for the review. I enjoy interesting sci-fi. But I have no interst in films that merely take the standard fare shootout/carchase and project it into some futuristic setting.

    1. I love the scifi genre too Bill. I am looking forward to seeing the new Star Trek movie.


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