
Everyday Grace

Often religious folks like me speak of grace as being God's unmerited favor. So interesting how that concept seems to elude my grasp every day. Here are a few thoughts about sharing grace today ...
Consider the notion of tipping more for bad service ...

Say thank you even when you do not feel thankful ...

Be nice when someone treats you badly ...

Smile even when your heart is hurting and life sucks ...

Encourage a friend when they deserve it the least.
I would love to hear other ways of sharing everyday grace. Please share!


  1. These are great.

    I would remaining silent when it would be so satisfying to zing someone or to give in and start arguing when someone is trying to pick a fight.

    I'm working on those two today.

    1. Love those Ma! Thought of the idea of just listening and not offering advice after I posted these.

  2. Remaining polite and stepping back when someone pushes in front of me.
    I struggled with this one in several aisles of Costco last Friday.

    1. Checkout lines and highways challenge me Susan! Thanks for that reminder!

  3. How about allowing the rude driver to cut in front of you in traffic instead of pushing forward, refusing to allow him in & shouting at him. This is something we deal with constantly in Nairobi traffic & it makes me crazy!

    1. Yikes to that Chari! Sounds worse than driving in NYC where I grew up.

  4. Love the unlovable, quit trying to change people, let God do His job.

    1. Like that Denise! Maybe love is the only thing that changes anyone?


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