
CS Lewis on Vision Casting

American culture (even churches) are rife with talk about vision casting ...

"While we believe that good is something to be invented, we demand of our rulers such qualities as 'vision', 'dynamism', 'creativity', and the like. If we returned to the objective view we should demand qualities much rarer, and much more beneficial - virtue, knowledge, diligence and skill. 'Vision' is for sale, or claims to be for sale, everywhere. But give me a man who will do a day's work for a day's pay, who will refuse bribes, who will not make up his facts, and who has learned his job."

1 comment:

  1. Such wisdom in these: C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, D.L. Moody, Andrew Murray. So thankful we have their words and teaching available to us.


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