
The Bible in Sound Bites

What kind of mini-series would you produce if you only had seven hours of video to tell the entire story of the bible? Which parts would you include and what would you leave out? That was the dilemma that the makers of the History Channel's "The Bible" mini-series were faced with. Ann and I watched and enjoyed all five installments of the series. Here are a few afterthoughts in no particular order:
  • Was interested by the stories that they chose to tell.
  • The ultra-white teeth of the actors really bothered me.
  • The ninja fighting angels that saved Lot in Sodom made me smile.
  • I loved that Jesus smiled and showed the loving side of God.
  • Seems like they could have cast a few less European actors.
  • I was moved by the scourging and the crucifixion.
  • Thought that they could have had Paul in more scenes.
  • Enjoyed the interpretations of the stories and how they made me think.
  • I would have enjoyed seeing the stories of Joseph and  of King Solomon.
  • Wonder if there was a Catholic influence in how Peter and Mary were written.
  • Loved that the series broke all sorts of ratings records.
Overall, I liked the way that they weaved the story of Israel all the way from the Exodus from Egypt, exile in Babylon and the Roman occupation of the Holy Land. There seemed to be consistency in the way that they told the story.

Did you watch all or part of the series. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Suspect they be different from mine. :)


  1. Haven't seen it yet, we do not have the History Channel but hope to see it sometime. We would have watched if we could have.

  2. Overall, I'm very pleased. It's a little frustrating at times, as it seems some pretty important details were changed or flat out rewritten. For example, I hated the scene about Lazarus, as they missed the importance of Mary (sister of Lazarus), and how Jesus was so deeply moved.

    The miracles of Jesus, especially the healing of the leper, were a little too much "magic trick" for my liking.

    I loved the portrayals of Jesus, Mary (the disciple), Paul (exceptional), Stephen (except his skin color). The Exodus and Daniel were also portrayed well in the OT.

    Overall I am pleased, but my sticking points are few:

    -you really need to watch this with someone with some Bible knowledge to fill in some blanks in order to understand it

    -Some of the stories have multiple layers of depth and mystery, and little of this was explored. They cut out details which adds to the redemptive message, and failed to frame it beyond a history leson

    1. The raising of Lazarus and a few other liberties that they took with the text disappointed me too Nate.

  3. I watched it an enjoyed it very much. I plan on buying the DVD tomorrow. I thought they did an excellent job on the crucifixion, it really moved me. I didn't like that Roma Downey played his older mother. I think she should have stayed out of it. She did a fine job but it just seemed to bother me.

    1. Agree with you Debby about Roma. Guess she cast herself in the role. :)

  4. I saw most of it, and had mixed emotions... Some of mine are very similar to yours...ninga angles..haha Do angles bleed??

    I missed one of my favorites Joseph...what a story to miss. I thought they made Sarah look dirty, wanted to wash her face, and of course made Hagar look beautiful. If I remember..the Bible says Sarah was beautiful and passed for Abraham's sister a couple of times...

    All in all, I thrilled that the Bible was watched by so many. If you really know the Bible...then you can see the error and imbellishments.

    1. I wish more of them had dirty faces Wanda. LOL, they might have been bit more believable.

  5. Guess your right...but Hollywood will never get it "RIGHT". But again...glad it's out there for so many to see, and maybe stimulate reading God's Word.

    1. So true Wanda. Reminds me of how Paul said that he rejoiced that the gospel was getting out regardless of how it got out.

  6. It was about what I expected. It's hard to take a few thousand years and cram it into 10 hours. I thought they did a pretty good job of telling the story of God and his people.

    1. I agree Fred! Do not think I could have done it better!


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