
Crazy Compensation

Did you catch the "What People Earn" edition of Parade magazine yesterday? A few interesting tidbits ...

  •  American Idol judges have earned up to $20m per season.
  •  27 year old Blogger made $18k and gets by on $160/month.
  •  Crazy hair guy Guy Fieri gets $100k to make an appearance.
  •  Geezer actor Mark Harmon gets $500k per episode of NCIS.
  •  31 year old ex-Intel engineer comedian makes $328k.
  •  Entrepreneurs don't seem to be making all that much.
  •  54 year old part-time clown raked in $2,500. What?!
  •  43 year old Louisiana court reporter makes $107k. Wow!?

19 year old Bieber seems to be the most outrageous on the list. What do you think is the craziest compensation?

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