
Al Gore :: Prophet or Historian

This warning (click on it to enlarge) is no false alarm. It has been verified by that lie debunking site we know as They say that it is "a genuine transcript of a 1922 newspaper article, an Associated Press account which appeared on page 2 of the Washington Post on 2 November of that year". Perhaps global warming expert Al Gore is more of a historian than a prophet. :)

I guess my point is that maybe this global warming idea is a mere manifestation of weather patterns that have existed for a really long time? I am really pretty ignorant about this (maybe a few of you will advise me of the extent of such ignorance) but continue to wonder if what we believe about such phenomenon has more to do with science or faith. And maybe there is a bit of politics in it as well?

Perhaps someone who is less ignorant than I can help me out? :)


  1. Nothing new under the sun:)

    The blog looks great, Bob. Are you giving up on the dynamic template?

    1. So true Ma! Solomon said it well. :)

      And thanks for the blog feedback. Had too many complaints about the other template. So I guess this is it until it is not.

  2. I am no expert on global warming but I have lived through so many predictions of environmental catastrophe I have become cynical. My big worry is if the wolf actually does really come, so many people will have cried wolf for so long we will never recognize the real one.

    1. Good points Mike! Wonder if we have all gotten used to that wolf crying about other issues?

  3. Last year the CEO of Exxon spoke to a group at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was questioned about Global Warming. He admitted that global warming is real and manmade. When asked what he thought needed to be done. He said that humans will adapt to the higher temperatures, crop production will shift North and we can build sea walls to protect the coastal cities that we do not want to lose to the rising oceans. He said hybrid cars are not practical. He said that if the government helped the oil industry to expand its delivery of heating oil to underdeveloped populations Exxon could save millions of lives each year by increasing the use of oil not decreasing it. It's a long article but a must read.

    Also, the tobacco industry and the oil industry used the same scientist, S. Fred Singer, to create junk science to defend the use of tobacco and dispute global warming. When people point to the scientific studies that dispute global warming, much of what they refer to came from this one source. Singer was responsible for great breakthroughs in engineering but when he turned to consulting for industries like tobacco and oil, he was rejected by the scientific world.

    Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) who was the Chairman of the Senate Environmental Committee, stated last year,
    “I was actually on your side of this issue (Global Warming) when I was chairing that committee and I first heard about this. I thought it must be true until I found out what it cost.” The cost to combat global warming has no bearing on whether global warming is real. The cost he is most concerned with is the cost to the oil industry that contributes generously to shape his policy positions.


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