
Ashes, Lent and Me

My church does offer ashes today at church. I take no issue with that. I think that the practice of receiving ashes is a helpful practice for some. Guess I am just not one of those who get a lot out of religious practices. I receive communion at church but prefer sharing it the way that Jesus did.

For years now I have done something for Lent though - last year I suspended blogging activities here. I have been wanting to do something but do not feel compelled to do anything for Lent this year. Perhaps it is just reflective of the season that I am in? Or maybe I am not supposed to participate?

How about you? Do you participate in Lenten activities?


  1. Not anymore

    I was a practicing Roman Catholic for 6 years and did do it then. It is not something I feel necessary for me at this time, though. I like what Paul says about holy days and how we should be convinced in our own minds what is appropriate for us....and to give thanks regardless.

  2. For about three years I gave up something for Lent. Last year, Jan and I decided to do something more positive. We gave up a bit of our time in the evenings to pray together. (we're stll doing that before we go to bed) This year we're going to take some time and read through Forty Days of Living the Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight.

  3. A few days ago, I had an epiphany while cleaning our bedroom closet. It seems I had been engaging in "retail therapy" for years and years...I guess in the mistaken belief that these things would fill the empty places in my heart. I guess anxiety and depression can do that to a person....sigh. So you know, our home has NOT become like those dreadful hoarder shows on TV, but I can see some similarities in how I have collected things, some things I don't even remember buying! So for Lent, I have decided I am not buying anything except necessities and I am going to work on giving away and generally getting rid of the things that are causing chaos in my life. So if you REALLY would like to put some cowbell in this blog, Bob, let me know and I'll send you one! (BTW, I didn't buy it, my mom did!...LOL)

    Best to you and Ann.........:)

  4. After a message from my dearest one Palm Sunday,(15 years ago) I was so touched that I began a yearly juice/water fast for Holy week. Palm Sunday noon to Easter Sunday noon. I did that for years...then one year the Lord spoke so clearly to me from a verse in Zach. "Why do you it for me?" What I realized was over the past couple of years I was looking forward to the 10 or 12 pounds I would loose during the fast. Who was that for??? So I have not fasted in that way since. I try to pray and ask the Lord what he would like me to either give up, or maybe give. What I do each year is read some sort of Lenten Devotional. Last year it was "The Path of His Passion" by Bill was so good and meaningful to me, I'm reading it again this year.

  5. Love these stories Ma, Fred, Mary Ellen and Wanda! So interesting how God leads us each in such unique ways.


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