
Total Recall | ★★★★★★

I vaguely remembered liking Arnold Schwarzenegger's cheesy version of this movie and added this new edition to our Netflix queue. Glad I did. I liked it way better than the old one. The plot is different than the first movie so you do not feel that you are watching it all over again. It is set in a post worldwide chemical warfare 22nd century and is filled with nonstop action and special effects. Colin Farrell is a believable hero and Kate Beckinsale is an okay adversary. The movie did carry the darkness, as well as the good conquering evil theme, from the first one. Overall it was a pretty good re-imagining of a SciFi classic.

The movie pushes the limits of a PG-13 rating with brief flash of nudity and a lot of violence. Overall I liked it and, on a scale of ten, give it ★★★★★★.

Catch my other mini-reviews by selecting the Movies link in the menu bar above.


  1. I liked the original so much I bought it. I thought it was a great sci-fi premise for a movie. I'll have to check this one out.

    1. The story is different Brian. I am interested in hearing how you like it vs the original.

  2. We recently watched it and really enjoyed it!


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