
Putting God back in Schools

"In the Kansas City area, the church I serve has partnered with six elementary schools in which a majority of the students live near the poverty line. We build playgrounds for these schools and paint and rehab their buildings. We fund literacy efforts and provide free books. We ensure that each child has a winter coat, gloves and hat, and school supplies, and we provide funds for special programs the schools otherwise could not afford. We also have tutoring programs with hundreds of volunteers who read to children and otherwise help the teachers and support their work. Every Friday we send backpacks with nutritious snacks home with 1,400 children who are at risk of being hungry on the weekends. We also distribute beds for children who we discover are sleeping on the floor in their homes. Our people are motivated by their faith to do these things. They don’t talk about their faith, but it is clearly seen in their actions." -Adam Hamilton


  1. That is definitely putting God into the schools in a tangible way.
    Kudos to Adam and his church.

    1. It does feel tangible Sue. In the Christmas Eve offering our church raised over $100,000 for each (over $600,000 total) of the six schools that we work with.


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