
On finding peace ...

I kind of like lists. So I was interested when a Facebook friend linked to a post titled "8 Things You Must Give Up to Find Peace". Here are a few brief thoughts about the list of 8 things to be abandoned ...
  1. Old regrets and excuses.
    Nothing has crippled me more than the past.
    Nothing has empowered me more than hope.
  2. The burning desire to have all the answers.
    I have come to peace with the notion that there are things unknowable.
  3. The false hope of a pain-free life.
    I think that pain has changed me more than anything else.
  4. Ties to insensitive people.
    We must never be influenced by those who do not love us.
  5. Obsessing yourself with negative news.
    Yikes! I am a news junkie. I probably need to listen to music instead.
  6. The belief that fulfillment resides in the end result.
    It is such a cliché but such a truth as well - life is all about the journey.
  7. Measuring your success by material wealth.
    Trust me. Wealth brings more chaos than peace. The more you get the more you want.
  8. The need to keep everything the same.
    Change is the constant. Peace does not come from the status quo.
I recommend that you read the excellent post in full here.


  1. You have no idea how much I needed to read these today. Perfect! I especially appreciate this one: "Ties to insensitive people" - and your comment "We must never be influenced by those who do not love us." How true is that? Why would we allow someone who does not have our best interests in mind to be an influence? I'm struggling with that RIGHT NOW. Also, pain is a real teacher and there is no immunity from life. Thank you.

    1. So glad it encouraged you Julie. I used to think that "speaking the truth in love" was all about "how" truth was spoken to me. Somewhere along the way I discovered that it was more about "who" was speaking the truth to me. In this context, I think that love is all about motives.

    2. I'm learning that I can choose to maintain my emotional well-being by choosing who I allow to speak into my life. Not everyone has my best interests in mind. They have an agenda to protect or an ideology to preserve. They use me as a prop in their scheme of preserving the status quo or staving off loss or danger.

      Real compassion and attunement to what is put people first.

  2. I agree with everything on this list. I was a HUGE news junkie, too, especially after 9/11. I don't listen to or watch news anymore and it has been very helpful in keeping my peace.

  3. I find listening to music is very refreshing and uplifting in a World of negative media. I like order...and sometimes find change hard if it interfers with MY order. All are worth my attention!

  4. Thanks for the feedback Ma, Wanda and Susan. I see a need to find more time for music. How do you all find time?

  5. HI Bob,

    Love this piece on peace!

    As for finding time to listen to music, why not when you're on the computer? If you don't want to bother Ann, just use headphones.


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