
Happy 2013

I have so enjoyed sharing Christmas devotions at An Eye for Redemption. I hope that you have had a chance to catch a few of my musings on the nativity story. Today I begin the New Year by sharing devotional thoughts from the book of Romans. The epistle is the longest of ones written by Paul. It was written to a church composed of both Jews and Gentiles. Paul dictated it to his friend Tertius around AD 56 when he was in Corinth. British theologian NT Wright says that it is "neither a systematic theology nor a summary of Paul's lifework, but it is by common consent his masterpiece." I invite you to travel with me (HERE) in a journey to unwrap this beautiful masterpiece.


  1. Bob- I clicked the parenthesized HERE, but nothing happened. Is there another way to find your thoughts on Romans?

    1. So sorry Jan! I fixed the link and it should work now. Thanks so much for stopping by!


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