
You Christians eat your own.

I read a short, yet sobering, article today in Christianity Today about fallen evangelical pastor Ted Haggard. Here is a brief excerpt where an atheist friend chastises the author:

See, that guy said sorry a long time ago. Even his wife and kids stayed and forgave him, but all you Christians still seem to hate him. You guys can't forgive him and let him back into your good graces. Every time you talk to me about God, you explain that he will take me as I am. You say he forgives all my failures and will restore my hope, and as long as I stay outside the church, you say God wants to forgive me. But that guy failed while he was one of you, and most of you are still vicious to him." Then he uttered words that left me reeling: "You Christians eat your own. Always have. Always will."

You can read this brief Christian reality check here.


  1. Great piece. The battle continues in the comments, sadly. It's heartbreaking when people value "correct doctrine" over people.

    1. So true Mike. Somehow the doctrine of love seems to get trumped by lesser doctrines.

  2. I enjoyed the article, too Bob. I didn't read any of the comments, but I'm sure they were interesting.

  3. That's a pretty powerful article, Bob. Kinda reminds me of how the Pharisees judged our Lord Jesus for hanging around with and ministering to various persons of bad reputation. God will use Ted Haggard for His Glory however He wishes. God turned a spoiled Egyptian prince into Moses, a shepherd boy into King David, and a bloody-handed persecutor into the Apostle Paul. God does what He does however He sees fit with whomever He pleases. If we refuse to accept that truth, we are fools.

    1. "God does what He does however He sees fit with whomever He pleases."

      I love that CR!

  4. It is sobering that we do indeed have a pattern of eating our own. When will we learn the meaning of grace.

  5. I'm sad to hear about that. I guess it just tells me that those "christians" (NOT) really NEED to be in a church; maybe it will sink in at some point. I don't refer to myself as a Christian any more, b/c SO many folks are playing that stupid game. Like if I have a membership card, then I'll get to Heaven regardless of who I really am. Jesus said they (everyone else) will know you are Mine because you'll have love for one another. Doesn't sound like love to me. That's a sorry state that they're digging up the past on a guy who's just proven himself to be the same as the rest of us: HUMAN.

    1. Thanks for the comment Abbie. Great point about love for each other being the evidence of being a Christian.


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