
Time is Timeless

The title of this post comes from Diana Butler Bass in an article that she writes about Advent and the end times. Here is an excerpt from it:

"If we enter the Advent journey with a different perspective on time, the apocalyptic texts speak afresh. Indeed, the words of the liturgical prayer weekly reminds us of the mystery of God's redemptive time: Jesus has come; Jesus comes; Jesus will come. This is the dance of time, grace-filled steps that enact God's vision that the end-times are all times; that all times are the end-times. In this spirit of times-enfolded-in-time, we walk through Advent. Jesus has been born, but we act as if we are still waiting. Christ will return, yet Christ has already come."

I love thinking about the timeless nature of time. I resonate with Diana when I think about the coming of the Lord - he has come, he is coming and he will come. I look forward to the day when he comes for me but even more, I savor the times when he has come in my life a meaningful way.


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