
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World | ★★★★★★

This movie was on its way to us on the day that some thought would be our last because the Mayan calender expired. I did not think that it was a great flick but thought that it's examination of responses to an apocalyptic event was pretty good. Some responded in the style of the proverbial sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. There was chaos on the street, smug confidence in bomb shelters and fear in the hearts of men. Enter Dodge and Penny - played by Steve Carell and Keira Knightley. These two put a human face on the apocalypse as they travel together to find an old flame.

Dodge comes across as such an antihero. In him I find myself wondering how I would respond to an end-of-the-world scenario. Would I find peace as the end approaches or would I respond differently? Would I, like Dodge, focus on the dreams of another or would I live for myself. The setting causes us to wonder how we would act under such situations. Be warned that the movie begins with a lot of apocalyptic induced vulgarity. Yet it gracefully transitions to something more thoughtful. For that reason, on a scale of ten, I give it ★★★★★★.

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