
Christmas Favorites

Thought I might share a few favorites ala Debbie's blog:

  •  Christmas Movie: "It's a Wonderful Life" tops my list
  •  Winter Beverage: Hard to beat a latte when it is cold
  •  Christmas Song: "O Holy Night" still moves me deeply
  •  Winter Clothing: Sadly, probably my KC Chiefs coat
  •  Holiday Food: Love peanut brittle and cheese balls
  •  Christmas Decoration: Prelit Xmas Tree - so easy
  •  Nail Polish: I hammer nails but don't polish them.
  •  Top of my Xmas list: Something a person cannot give
  •  Plans for Christmas: Xmas Eve kids sleepover

What are your Christmas favorites? Anything to add?


  1. Love the hammered nails...LOL! Love a pre-lit tree since I leave them up a long time with my 900 ornaments!! Your Christmas Eve sounds perfect. Have a wonderful time. Thanks for playing along.

  2. Where have I been.... I somehow lost this blog of yours, and only had your Eye for Redemption on my reader list. Today, I stumbled onto my old list. So here I am!! Love your list, and your nail just too funny. I'm still laughing. This looks like fun. Think I might do it too.

  3. We have made the Albert Finney Scrooge movie our new tradition. And I painted my nails last night for Christmas Eve, something I only do a couple of times a year.

    Merry Christmas Bob!

    1. Albert Finney is a great Scrooge! Hope you had a great Christmas Ma!


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