
Voting: Godly Obligation or Not?

Just read a blog comment that opines:

"the Bible forbids one from voting for someone who does not Fear God, Kiss the Son, and uphold the Commandments. Neither candidate does so. Therefore I will not cast a ballot for president."

It is an interesting take on a Christian's civic responsibility on election day. My view is that religious passivity and sanctimony have never done anything for our nation. I hope that Christians will, if they have not done so already, cast an enlightened vote. What do you think? Godly obligation or not?


  1. I don't remember anything in the Bible about voting at all, although I do remember quite a bit about the Kingdom of God. I'm willing to leave it to the individual's conscience as long as their first allegiance is to King Jesus.

    1. Maybe not about voting directly Fred but the scriptures do call us to be salt and light right where we are. Why throw away this small opportunity to shed a bit of light and salt?

  2. I doubt that any President would meet the criteria cited. But to each their own. The Amish don't vote but I haven't heard many worry about their passivity and sanctimony. And I think they've had a positive influence on this nation (even if they make terrible dog breeders).

  3. I think voting one's conscience is the best anyone can do, Bob. While I do not agree with everything the late Robert Heinlein espoused, I do agree with this comment about elections. "While there might not be anything (anyone) you want to vote for, there will ALWAYS be something (someone) you'll want to vote against". (Slightly paraphrased) Personally I think I voted for the man who is the least likely to chop off my head, or at worst, the one less likely to enjoy watching. ;)

    1. Sigh. The quote seems to be appropriate crownring. Thanks for sharing.


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