
Mr. 3,000

No, this is not a movie review. Just a chance for me to stop and reflect on this my 3,000th post here at Kansas Bob since I first opined here in November 2006.

    •  Blogging has helped me reshape my ideology and theology.
    •  Writing about movies (120 posts) I have seen has been a fun experience.
    •  I wrote more about the 2008 elections (186 posts) than in 2012 (34 posts).
    •  I must really like quotes because I have included them in 216 posts.
    •  Most of my early cyber-friends now prefer Facebook over blogging.
    •  Combined with my other blogs I might hit 5,000 posts next year.

Thanks for reading my blogs. I so appreciate your visits and comments.


  1. I enjoy your posts! Even if I don't comment all the time!

    1. Thanks Linda! I enjoy yours too but do not always comment.

    2. Me too! when I visit, I find your posts enjoyable helpful and interesting or is it helpful or interesting? :-)
      glad you have the passion and discipline to keep blogging

    3. Thanks so much Paul. I enjoy your bloggings too. It is so great to be connected this way when we live so far from each other.

  2. Reshape, that's what I've found writing does for me, too. I think you have a great group of blogs!

    1. Thanks Ma! I like your blog too! Always something to chew on over there.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks crownring! You are a great encourager! I appreciate you very much!


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