
Happy Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence. ~William Jennings Bryan

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. ~Aesop

Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now. ~A.W. Tozer

Got no check books, got no banks. Still I'd like to express my thanks - I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night. ~Irving Berlin

We can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear dark and frowning. ~Albert Barnes

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. ~Theodore Roosevelt

A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. ~Cicero

O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness. ~William Shakespeare

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart


  1. Love the Tozer quote especially. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Bob!

  2. On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our, I really like that. What a powerful word when most of us want to be Independent.
    Happy Thanksgiving Bob.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Bob. I hope you and your wife have a blessed day!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Sue and Debbie! Ann and I spent a great day with Ann's 96 year old mom, our children and our grandchildren. Hope your day was blessed.


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