
What is Success?

In my younger years I loved formulas and rules that spoke to being successful. I embraced Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and carried their time management binder every where I went. These days I am retired and do not need more than a calendar to navigate my days.

That said I did enjoy reading these suggestions for success. The first three are key - your spouse, your work and your attitude are so important. Here are a few thoughts about some of the others.

5. Forgiveness will open doors that seem to be nailed shut.

6. Every day I struggle to be more generous than the day before.

7. Gratitude is so important but rarely included on these lists.

8. Successful people simply do not give up.

9 Saving for the future requires a lot of discipline.

10. The golden rule is the best practice in business and in life.

13. Temporary happiness is over-rated.

14-15. Integrity matters in business and in life.

17. The converse is analysis paralysis. It is okay to be wrong.

21. This is a bit schmaltzy but pithy advice all the same.

Any thoughts about the list? Anything stand out?

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