
The Beaver | ★★★★★★★★

This image is so appropriate for a movie about a guy who split his personality after failing to take his life. I had to admit that the quality of this movie and it's message blew me away. It was nothing like what I had imagined. The premise is a guy who deals with depression by using a beaver hand puppet to communicate with people - and I think that it really worked. For sure the subject matter is quite dark and there are a few scenes that are really disturbing. Yet I thought that it was a unique story about how devastating depression can become to a person and their family. It is hard to imagine anyone doing a better job than Mel Gibson in the lead role - he made it believable and gave the beaver a creepy yet funny persona. Also thought Jody Foster did a good job playing off Gibson as his wife.

I liked it and, on a scale of ten, I give this one ★★★★★★★★.


  1. Have to admit I'm not much of a movie goer but this one sounds quite interesting.
    I have always liked Mel Gibson's acting.
    Now if I could just get my Hubby to the movies, I would be one happy camper.
    Thanks for the comments on my blog. I really appreciate them.

    1. Thanks for the note Sue. The movie is pretty dark but fairly engaging.


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