
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | ★★★★★★★

Hard to know how to best describe this movie - maybe heartwarming is the best word? It is based on the novel of the same name written by Jonathan Safran Foer and details the journey of grief traveled by a young boy after his father is killed on September 11th when the towers fell. Here is the way that Netflix describes it:

Believing that his father left him a message before dying in the September 11 attacks, young Oskar Schell embarks on an emotional odyssey through New York City to find the lock that matches a key he found among his father's belongings.

The movie spoke to me about the strange ways that we try to find meaning in our darkest moments and how the support and love of family and friends can help us in these times. Hard to know why Hanks and Bullock got top billings - Jeopardy kids week champ Thomas Horn stole the show with his great portrayal of Oskar.
I liked the movie and, on a scale of ten, give it ★★★★★★★.


  1. I liked this movie when I saw it at the show. Since it has been on cable recently I have seen it a few more times and it is definitely heartwarming.

    1. Loved the way that they brought the mm in at the end Debby.


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