
Do Missourians already have a Right to Pray?

Tomorrow Ann and I vote in our state's primary election. The following excerpt from a Christianity Today article describes one of the issues we will vote on. Do you think that the amendment is needed?  How would you vote?


  1. Hi Bob! I've found you via southernspeakers. Since you comment there so often I checked your blogs and wow, I'm impressed, very prety done! I've been actually checking on them every now and then and each time I see some nice improvements!

    I don't read your blogs, sorry, we have quite different interests, but I love the way you blog, how serious you are about blogging and how good you are at customizing the dynamic views. Yeah, I like everything on this one blog, from the nav and gadget bars to the personalized message for comments.

    I wouldn't though dare to contact you if I didn't need some help with my own blog. I have trouble adjusting the header and the gadget bar. I know that Yoboy has tutorials on that but it doesn't work for me for some reason. I've already anoyed Yoboy with questions on other subjects, thats why I thought I'd ask you, since you've got that stuff right and pretty. I hope it's ok?

    How did you make the header fit so right? Mine gets shrinked... what is the original px size of your header? And how did you removed the separation lines on your gadget bar? It's sooo nicely done!

    I hope I haven't annoyed you! Take care and best regards, Bob!
    (I wrote a comment because I couldn't find your contact info, don't publish it)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Polly and thanks for the encouragement.

      Send me an email at with:

      1) your questions and things you would like to do,
      2) your blog url and
      3) a copy of your CSS.

      I will take a look at it and let you know what I think.


    2. I think they did it to get out the conservative vote in the primary


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