
When you're in Asia

My friend Allison, an elementary school teacher in Kansas City, recently traveled to Asia to encourage friends who are serving Christ, loving hurting children and sharing the good news over there. I love the relational way that she and two of her friends spent a few weeks to care for their friends. Below are a few excerpts from her note about the trip:

When you're in Asia:
  • McDonald's and Pizza Hut are first date-caliber restaurants. (Pizza Hut even had chandeliers. Fancy.)
  • Lane divisions on the road and driving on the right side of the road are mere suggestions.
  • If you wear a ring on your left ring finger--any kind of ring--you may be asked how many children you have.
  • If you are white and you travel to a part of the country where white people are rarely seen, you can expect Asians will want to take their photo with you.
  • Asia is a great place to buy knock-off brand clothing and shoes, such as Snike and TCMS.
  • Men have no qualms about pulling up their shirts partway to cool off their their bellies.
  • Pajamas are acceptable daytime attire.
  • Just because you're in a public toilet intended for one person doesn't mean someone won't come in and join you.

I am certainly still taking note of the ways that I have grown and changed as a result of this trip, but I wanted to share a couple of things the trip has brought to light for me:
  1. When I am obedient to G-d, he never fails to put me in the right place at the right time.
  2. When all is said and done, the kingdoms of this world will eventually fall. The only kingdom that remains forever is G-d's kingdom, and that brings me tremendous comfort. It also motivates me to pr-y for the kingdoms that currently have power on earth.
  3. Teaching a child his/her dignity and worth truly does change the world.

If you want to read more of what Allison writes, she occasionally blogs at Telling the truth, becoming original.


  1. Thanks, Bob! And I love that you chose the photo of the boat--that was certainly a "when you're in Asia" kind of experience. A steep walk up a 6-inch-wide plank and karaoke playing during the whole cruise are quite memorable!

  2. In some parts of Asia, if two girls (young women) are walking holding hands, it does not imply they are in a same sex relationship.

    Have a look at this video. I think you will enjoy it!


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