
Thinking about Gandhi's List ...

Saw this image on Facebook this week and wondered a bit about the sentiments in it. The first thing I pondered was how prayer and God was left out of the list - I would add that myself. Secondly I wondered if Gandhi really had a list or if this is just another viral happening as many of these seem to be a bit cliché - yet maybe they were not so when Gandhi lived?

I do so love the idea about forgiving and letting go but would have liked to talk to him about what being in control meant to him. I also love the sentiments of being your true self and seeing the best in others. Perhaps life is all about seeing the true self in others as well.

Number seven on his list is one of the greatest words I know. I think that this word, to a degree, defines what it means to succeed in life. Those who give up often fail to see the fruit of their labors. Gandhi would have been an anecdote in history if he did not PERSIST.

What is it that you like and/or dislike about Gandhi's list?


  1. No secret God and prayer was left off the list, he was not a believer. Since you asked what is that we like or don't like about his list, I don't like # 2 you are in control, and #9 be your true self. My true self is a selfish, self-centered, depraved, wicked unrighteous sinner, only by the grace of God is my true self crucified and restrained by the Holy spirit and the live I live now I live by faith in the son of God.

    1. The total depravity of man has a long tradition in the Catholic church, and among many evangelical believers. In order to accept it, you have to reject the many scriptures that talk about God in all of us, as well as the tradition of the "Imago Dei."

      But then, we all pick and choose what we believe, don't we? Just for an example, many Christians say that "God is love." They quote scriptures like John 3:16, I John 4:8 and I John 4:16, which all support their stand. But, then they have to ignore scriptures like Psalm 11:15, Malachi 1:3, and Romans 9:13.

      I'm not sure about the total depravity of man; I'm only sure about the total depravity of ME. I know I need a relationship with Christ because of MY depravity. When I share God's love for me with others, I don't tell them they are depraved, self-centered and wicked; I just tell them God loves them.

  2. Gandhi made several lists. This one was made when someone asked him, "What can I do to change the world for the better?" Gandhi was not ignoring God, here; as a matter of fact, he saw God as a vital part of who he was, not just what he did. Here is another quote from Gandhi about God. ""True religion is not a narrow dogma. It is not external observance. It is faith in God and living in the presence of God. It means faith in a future life, in truth and nonviolence. Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion."

    Also: "Who am I? I have no strength save what God gives me. I have no authority over my countrymen save the pure moral. If He holds me to be a pure instrument for the spread of non-violence in place of the awful violence now ruling the earth, He will give me the strength and show me the way. My greatest weapon is mute prayer. The cause of peace is therefore, in God's good hands."

    We know that Gandhi did not believe that Jesus was the Christ; we only know that Gandhi was a man of great faith.

  3. He "might" have been a man of great faith, but denying the Jesus was the Christ left him dammed and un-redeemed. I would rather be a man of tiny, puny, miniscule faith and be known by God through the Christ then be a man of great faith and yet be eternally doomed.

  4. I like number 6 and number 10. :)

  5. These comments display such a diversity of thought. Reminds me that Gandhi once said:

    "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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