
The Blessing of Memory

"Never memorize something that you can look up." -Einstein

Saw this image and quote this morning and was reminded how much I used to memorize scripture. Verses that I once committed to memory often come back to me at the most opportune times. Funny the way that God uses these things to speak to us.

Even so, generally speaking, I resonate with what Einstein says in this quote. Perhaps it speaks to the idea that we should retain the historical big picture and not be as concerned with the dates and times of the past? What things have you committed to memory?


  1. The things I committed to memory when I was young seem to have stuck but now to memorize scripture or just about anything is a real task.
    Makes me frustrated!
    Useless trivia abounds in my head but important things just seem to disolve.

  2. I am like you, Bob. When I was a child, I learned Scripture to earn a free week at Bible camp. The first time I remember Scripture flooding me was when my father suddenly died when I was 22. I just remember so well the comfort that the Scriptures gave.

    Now with the myriad of information available, I think it's necessary to keep up and know how to access the information. My Bible is on my phone at my fingertips.

    I do agree with the the other commenters too, but I'm so glad that those Scriptures are their in my memory.

    1. Love having the bible on my phone Bev. Also enjoy reading books via my Kindle and Nook apps.

  3. I like the idea of seeing the big historical picture rather than memorizing certain dates, etc.

    I have not made it a practice to memorize scripture word for word, but I do know that certain passages pop into mind when I need them.

    1. The big picture works better for me too Ma. A FB friend said it was like remembering concepts.

  4. I also like understanding the big picture. I probably also have a lot of trivial I have picked up along the way. The frustrating thing is remembering something I find hard to look up even on Google and wondering if I remember it right. But Bible verses are one of the things I have never regretted memorizing.


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