
My Chuck Colson Story

Chuck Colson passed away today at the age of 80. I am saddened by his passing but am reminded of a night in the early 80s when a few friends and I showed the Born Again flick, a movie based on Mr Colson's life, to some folks at work. Dean Jones played Chuck and Anne Francis played his wife. We had about 20 folks in that large room at work that night and we showed the movie on a company loaned us a projector (no VHS or DVD back then). Had good conversation about faith with a few coworkers that night. It was great to be able to show this kind of movie.

My other connection with Chuck is the four years that I volunteered for Prison Fellowship, the ministry to inmates that he created after he was released from prison. I will always be thankful for the perspective I got from my weekly visits with inmates during those years. It taught me a lot about life and ministry.

Please join me in praying for Chuck's family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Am praying for his family and that his work will continue and flourish even though he is gone.


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