
The Descendants | ★★★★★★★★★★

If you ever questioned the acting chops of George Clooney you really need to see this movie. The reality that he, and his supporting cast, displays when faced with extreme tragedy is uplifting. Watching his character draw close to his children as his wife, and their mother, lies in a coma is simply and wonderfully heartwarming. There were moments in this flick that simply wowed me and left me speechless.

A friend told my wife that she found the movie to be depressing - I found it to be just the opposite. I was drawn into the story as the characters (given permission by the screen writers) displayed the realities of shock, surprise and grief. I also enjoyed the great images and scenery of Hawaii. I highly recommend this movie. As my wife said - it is one of the best movies we have seen in a long time.

On a scale of ten I give this movie ★★★★★★★★★★.


  1. hi bob!how are you?
    hope you and your family are well.
    i've watched this movie,bob.i love it.and i guess it's different according to their taste for movies.but that's the beauty, isn't it? that we all dont share the same perspective on things...:)

    take care, bob!

    1. Great to hear from you Mr.Clive! We are doing okay these days now that Lent has passed. Hope all is well with you and your family too.

      Ann said that losing my first wife probably gave me a unique perspective on Clooney's character. Had not considered that but she is probably right. LOL, she usually is.


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