
Are the New Entrepreneurs all about our Geeky and Cheap Stuff?

Do you think it strange that this list of great entrepreneurs focuses mainly on folks who provide services that many of us use? For sure there is Apple who does make computerish hardware - albeit they manufacture it overseas. Yet the predominant entrepreneurial genre is providing planes to fly on, web services to thrill us, coffee to energize us and companies (physical and virtual) to sell us (and deliver to our homes) the cheap stuff we crave so much.

Years ago our American culture took a swing toward consumerism and the folks who capitalized on it have seemed to have had a good measure of success. Of course these giants of entrepreneurship have built their successes on the backs of those who make computers (i.e. Michael Dell), plant coffee beans, make airplanes and work on assembly lines in China. Perhaps the lack of engineering students in college is a symptom of this kind of focus? What do you think?

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