
When Every Day is Saturday

The image below cracks me up - hits a little too close to home as I sit blogging today. :)

I retired in 2008. Here are a few things I have noticed since then.

  1. Getting up early often means I went to bed early.
  2. Going out for lunch is sometimes the motive for #1.
  3. Every day seems like Saturday.
  4. Don't have to go outside when it is snowing.
  5. Like sweat pants more than I ever imagined.
  6. Retirement plans are just plans.
  7. Sometimes I like to talk to telemarketers.
  8. Rarely need to wear long pants in the summer time.
  9. Blogging sometimes seems like a job.
  10. Food  is sometimes a bit of a challenge.
  11. Slippers are more comfortable that Nikes.
  12. Discovered that I am a political junkie.
  13. Freedom to do what you want doesn't mean you will.

Always looked forward to retiring but had very different ideas about it. See number 6!  :)


  1. Your retirement sounds a lot like mine.

    1. Thanks for the comment Lana! I think that people either retire or stay in the workforce as volunteers. Nice when a person has that choice.

  2. Lana is my sister, and we have days just like your! I read more blogs than actual blogging!

    1. I am with you Linda. I sometimes substitute blog reading for the newspaper.

  3. I did 1-2 days volunteering at the grade school. I decided I didn't like it at all. Linda still works one day a week and then I meet her it town for lunch.

    1. I transitioned to retirement by working 3.5 days a week. It was enjoyable.

  4. We were "forced" into retirement when all the companies we contracted with either were sold or they went in-house for their tradeshows.
    It was a good long run and we got to see a lot of the country on Their dime. Wouldn't r\trade it for the world, but now our list looks just about like yours.
    Just last night I said to my Hubby is this Thursday or Friday? Sometimes the days just blend together. HaHa...
    We love being able to do things on the spur of the moment or just plain do nothing at all.
    Dave loves being able to wear shorts about 9 months of the year. Never happened before we moved to the greater Sacramento area.
    Love the cartoon you posted too.
    That's about it in a nutshell.

    1. I thought that you might be able to relate sue. :)

    2. I am looking forward to retirement someday...I think.
      Right now, teaching drama at an American School in Kuwait fits me like a glove.
      I can act crazy and get paid for it.
      Thanks for the post. (blogging will keep me busy in the retirement center)

    3. I would there is already enough drama in the middle east Eddie. :)

    4. Love your comment to Eddie. Gave me a smile.


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