
The Relational Aspect of an Apology

Never quite thought of an apology in this fashion. On one hand we do not want to live like a doormat always apologizing when we are not in the wrong. On the other hand I think that we are often called to be humble even when we are right. Either way I think that the person offering an apology is often the stronger person.

Do you agree? Can you relate? Care to share?


  1. I agree that the one who is willing to apologize is often the stronger person. It's a part of laying down one's life for one's friends. Sometimes though, the apologizer is trying to manipulate the other. It all boils down to motive.

    1. Great insight! Motive is key in everything we do.

  2. I agree with what you said and what the definition here says.

  3. You know Bob, there are people who don't just want to be right, but NEED to be, and will manipulate all kinds of things to appear right. Those people have the hardest time apologizing. Those who WANT to be right are much more flexible about apologizing. Which are you. I know both kinds, don't you?

    I do agree with the statement. I think it's very good.

  4. What great insight Wanda! I agree about the difference between want and need. I definitely want to be right on things essential.

  5. Wanda, I think it's not so much a case of wanting to be right, but rather wanting to do the right thing.

  6. Jesus didn't apologize to the pharisees for being right, but then again, he can't be wrong, and I can. So apologies are good. You can always apologize for how it made somebody feel and not for the content

    1. I agree. One can say something like "My ego was way out of line when I said that. I still agree with what I said but I should have said it differently." However one should not say something like "I am sorry I made you feel that way". The first actually communicates humility but the latter not so much. If you get my drift.


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