
Man Up Mitt!

Rough week for fans of the Bain Capital man. I do not know about you but I am sick and tired of listening to the Blowhard in Chief brag about his debating prowess. Like beating Obama is all about out-talking him and giving a better speech than he does. Here are a few things I would like to see Romney do this week:
  • Release his taxes. Explain to people why he made so much money and not apologize for being successful. If he does not he will go down in flames.
  • Explain how he is different from so many executives in that he actually started something rather than simply working the system and rising from the ranks. 
  • Delineate himself from the other three career politicians who have not held a job in the public sector for over thirty years.
  • Speak clearly about his story. I have seen him connect with people when he speaks of his wife and her disease. Being faithful should not be a liability.
  • Take the gloves off. Get some passion in his voice when he speaks about his successes. Unashamedly debate his accomplishments.
It is time for Romney to man up. The election has turned into a bit of a street fight. People like Newt's passionate bravado. Mitt needs to find a way to unapologetically communicate his passion without the bravado.


  1. hi Bob!
    how's the political atmosphere doin over there?
    Well, the election date at my place here hasn't been announced but even then, the politicians are starting to fight one another with im right-you're wrong-concept.

    and i do look forward to politicians, not least yours as well, that they become more transparent with things, eh?

    anyway,God bless you bob!see ya! :)

    1. Thanks for the feedback Clive. I think that transparency is a good thing too. :)

    2. Very good suggestions, for Romeny. I enjoy reading people discussion politics, and the candidates and debates. What a lot of varied opinions and what a deverse set of men running. I will continue to enjoy what others say, and keep mine to myself at this time.

    3. Diverse is a great word Wanda. My disappointment is mainly that career politicians with no executive experience are the ones that are attracting conservatives. Not much difference, experience wise, from our current president.

  2. Replies
    1. @natty77 - Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I always enjoy your political insights. I'm glad I don't have to choose which of these guys I would vote for because I see plus and minus in all of them. I agree completely about your suggestions for Mit. I want to like him, but when I look at his (handsome) face I can't trust him. I don't want to like Newt, but somehow I do. Its all very weird. I don't think either of them would make a good president and in a way anyone who wants the job is a bit nuts in the first place. Just my thoughts.

    1. Love your insights Barbara! Wonder what February will look like for the GOP?

  4. I wish they would just address issues instead of income and investments. He can't beat Obama, there is nothing that sets him apart from him.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Gregg! In my thinking, apart from Paul the libertarian, it is very hard to substantially differentiate these guys on the issues. Santorum, Paul and Gingrich, like Obama, are all legislators with no private or public sector executive experience where Romney has executive experience in the public and private sectors. I think that there are huge differences when it comes to leadership experience between Obama and Romney.


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