"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -Bertrand Russell
Read this quote the other day on my friend Barbara's blog and got to thinking about the things that many judgmentally deem a waste of time. Perhaps some consider blogging a waste of time? Occasionally I get a backhanded compliment about my blogging that seems to convey the idea that this sort of activity is a waste of time. Here are a few other things that people deem to be wasteful and my ornery commentary on their judgments.
- Television: So often the people who rail against couch potatoes are the ones who spend hours reading romance novels and newspapers.
- Sports: People who do not like athletics often portray jocks as dumb dolts who cannot do anything else. I counter with: Rhodes Scholar, NJ Senator and NBA Star Bill Bradley; Congressman and NFL Quarterback Jack Kemp; and Minnesota Vikings Purple People Eater Alan Page who became an associate justice on the Minnesota supreme court.
- The Internet: Many people mock the folks who enjoy web surfing and interacting with others in venues like blogging and Facebook. I have grown so much through these venues. My thinking about many issues have been challenged and I have grown as a person from these venues.

I particular like the one about the television.
ReplyDelete"Television: So often the people who rail against couch potatoes are the ones who spend hours reading romance novels and newspapers."
well said,my good sir!
Many deem Blogging and FaceBook a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteFor me, Blogging is a creative way to show my photography and I have met so many friends from all over the world because of it. It gets my juices flowing.
FaceBook has connected me with people I wouldn't otherwise be in contact with.
Yes it can take a lot of my time but I see benefits outweighing the time factor.
I also consider "down-time" of just sitting in my backyard and watching the birds, clouds and meditating perfectly good "do nothing" time. Some would say I am wasting it but it recharges my batteries.
P.S. I love your little photo and quote about not being finished doing nothing.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff.
That is a great caption to the photo Sue!
DeleteI like it! The TV comment was all like...ouch!
ReplyDeleteWe should all do what we enjoy and not worry about how others spend their time:)
Great comments all!
ReplyDeleteAgree with Ma's last comment for sure!