
Does God select the President?

Ever since Pat Robertson ran for the US presidency in 1988 God has often been credited with calling such people to run for the high office. Even today there are a few GOP presidential candidates that credit God calling them to run for office. There are a few verses in the New Testament that causes some to ponder the idea that the Almighty chooses, or at least calls, the leaders of nations. Consider these thoughts that the apostle writes to the Romans:
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
Taken in a literal and dogmatic way these verses pose a problem for Americans because our nation was founded by people who rebelled against British governing authorities. The verses also are troubling when one considers those who are rebelling in countries like Iran, Egypt and Libya. Is Paul telling these people to simply submit to tyrants who kill and oppress their neighbors? I think not.

I submit to you that Paul's words can be helpful when they are considered in the light of history. Ancient events record the rise and fall of nations - even Israel fell at the hands of pagan nations indicating that God allows such events. So, I believe that Paul is not saying that governing authorities are not to be challenged. My take is that Paul is simply saying to obey the law and stay out of jail. Tax evaders do well to heed his words. :)

But to the issue of the nations, I think that the prophet Isaiah said it clearly when he declared that God "brings princes to nothing, and makes the rulers of the earth as emptiness". In truth God's sovereignty over the earth is not about raising up or bringing down nations but about raising up and bringing down leaders. To that issue we would all do well to understand that, especially for leaders, God opposes the proud but empowers the humble.

Pride and humility? Something that people in New Hampshire should consider today when they cast their ballots.


  1. The problem a lot of pundits have is that they cannot see a difference between a call to run, and a call to win.

    When Michele Backman says she felt God urging her to run, I believe her 100%. But the Lord keeps score in ways that are far different than you or I. Perhaps her candidacy will change her perspective in the future, perhaps someone heard something that will impact their lives, perhaps one person felt God's presence, maybe the outcome of this decision won't be fully realized for 1000 years.

    I certainly sit before God before deciding who to vote for. If we all did that and listened for his voice...

  2. The thing that feels disturbing is when humans start to interpret God's will and make their voices and thoughts as God's.

  3. That is a tough passage. I have flipped on my understanding of it a time or two.

  4. If God selects the president, God has made some mistakes along the way. --Joe Barone

  5. Great comments so far. One thing that I find encouraging about our government is the idea that presidents serve no longer than 8 years. Would that we had that limit for the senate and congress.

  6. Amen to that Bob.
    I think the mistake we make is we think we think like God. Our time line is far more different than God's. Mr. Clive said it best.

  7. Free will and predestination paradox and tension in a very important matter

  8. Thinking some more on this, Bob, and not 100% sure Paul is simply saying obey the law and stay out of jail. Evil people do come into power, and the laws they instill can be hurtful as well -- like if you lived in Nazi Germany and were assigned to a concentration camp. Perhaps Paul is saying -- don't ever worry, because God is always in control. It is not your job to fight the authorities, it is only your job to fight the evil inside of you. The verse prior to the one you quote is pretty telling: “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

  9. Agree Ed. Our battle against evil is won on a very personal level.

    I think that civil disobedience is a dicey subject. Heard it once that the tension sometimes involved is determining whether one obeys the Lord or obeys man. Reminds me that Peter and John told the authorities of their day that they must obey God and not man.

  10. I don't even know if God approves of our form of government as we 235 years ago, we were supposed to obey our earthly masters and not rebel.


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