
Larry Crowne | ★★★★★★★

Ann and I watched this fun romantic comedy this week and much enjoyed it. There was no spectacular message and no thrilling twists - maybe that is what I liked about it. At the heart of it was the story of two people (played nicely by Hanks and Roberts) struggling to work through problems and reinvent themselves. I think that some 50 somethings might be able to relate to them and be inspired a bit. I particularly found Larry's story engaging as we watch him (a retired Navy vet) be "downsized" from a big box store because he did not have a college degree. I thought that Larry modeled class and integrity in the way that he met his new challenges and also the way that he interacted with a hurting and wounded love interest. I recommend it to you especially if you are looking for a romantic comedy. On a scale of ten I give it ★★★★★★★.

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1 comment:

  1. You followed the advice on my blog and made it a date night movie


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