
I Am Number Four | ★★★★★★★

You might enjoy this movie if you have a penchant for science fiction, fantasy and super heroes. It is about a Superboy type of figure who is fourth among ten aliens who were brought to earth to protect it from the Mogodarins, another alien race. Oddly enough the teen, named John (played by Alex Pettyfer), is next in line to be eliminated because his attackers kill them in numerical order. Fortunately for John he has help from his protector and a beautiful surprise character that emerges late in the movie.

The movie is filled with suspense, romance and geeky gadgetry - and it has a pretty good story line that even my wife, a non-geek, enjoyed. I do think that the movie's target audience is teens but I would probably catch a sequel if there is one. On a scale of ten I give Four ★★★★★★★.

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  1. I think you peaked my interest. Who knows, I may actually see this one.
    Wishing you and Ann the very best in 2012.
    May it be filled with joy and happiness.

  2. I enjoyed this movie. Am looking forward to the sequels where the other "aliens" will show up


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