
The Inequality Map

I am a big fan of David Brooks and find his writings to be interesting and thought provoking. Such is the case with his most recent NY Times editorial titled The Inequality Map. In it he writes about inequality that is acceptable and inequality that is not. Here is a clip that speaks to his point:
Fitness inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly fine to wear tight workout sweats to show the world that pilates have given you buns of steel. These sorts of displays are welcomed as evidence of your commendable self-discipline and reproductive merit.

Moral fitness inequality is unacceptable. It is out of bounds to boast of your superior chastity, integrity, honor or honesty. Instead, one must respect the fact that we are all morally equal, though our behavior and ethical tastes may differ.
He goes on to sarcastically speak of inequality in the realms of academia, ancestry, church, sports, income, spending, technology and other areas. I particularly like this example of inequality:
Travel inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly normal to have separate check-in lines and boarding procedures for airline patrons who have achieved Gold, Platinum, Double Ruby or Sun God status.
I think that you will find the whole piece interesting especially if you enjoy a bit of a sarcastic approach to this kind of topic. I recommend that you read it here and let me know if you have a favorite inequality line.

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