
Happy Bottoms

I am always amazed by the creative and imaginative ways that people find to help folks who are struggling and in need. Consider this clip from the Happy Bottoms website:
Imagine choosing between diapers or paying your electric bill. Or putting gas in your car. Tough choice, right? Now imagine making that decision every day. Chances are you won’t face this scenario, but it’s a common one for low-income families.

We hope to alleviate situations like these by holding diaper donation drives throughout Kansas City, and we ask you to join us. Whether you’re donating or sponsoring a drive, it’s a simple, easy process that supports a basic need – and makes a big difference in children’s lives.
The need is so great because federal programs like food stamps do not help with this basic need. I plan to check Happy Bottoms out further and see how I can help. Does your town have a group that helps in this area?


  1. Hi Bob,

    There is a local organization here that does this same thing. They also collect adult diapers for the elderly and seriously ill. This is no small expense for those who need these supplies, but as you mentioned, have very limited funds.

  2. I like what they call it too :)

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