- Which candidate is the only GOP presidential contender to come out in full support of the Ryan plan?
- Which candidate was ranked by Cato Institute in 2008 one of the most fiscally conservative governors in America?
- Which candidate was cited by the Pew Center for running the “best-managed” state, hailed by Forbes magazine as the “most fiscally fit” and ranked first in the country for job creation?
- Whose economic plan does The Wall Street Journal consider the most impressive and conservative of the Republican presidential field?
- The American Conservative wrote this about which GOP candidate, “For the past two decades a ‘moderate’ Republican was one who didn’t generally side with his party on three issues: taxes, guns and abortion. [This candidate’s] record on those isn’t just to the right of the moderates. It is to the right of most conservatives”?
- Which candidate was praised in a Club for Growth report for reforming health care with “no individual mandate, no employer mandate and no provision for a massive expansion of subsidized care unlike Obamacare or Romney’s plan”?
The Unknown Unpopular Conservative Candidate
In his latest Politico post, titled "Who is the real RINO?", Joe Scarborough poses twenty multiple choice questions where you can choose between Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman to answer the questions. His answer to the title question about who is not a RINO becomes fairly obvious as he ends with these questions.
Who is Buddy Roemer?
I was surprised this morning to learn that this man is running for president. It speaks to how a former governor and congressman can be excluded by the powers that be in the Republican Party. Here are a few of his quips:
DC gives tax breaks to corps that send jobs overseas;
lets top campaign contributors write policy."
"We've Become a Government of Big Checks"
"Occupy Is Fighting Against Corruption"
If you want to find more about Buddy check out his website or follow him on Twitter here. He might surprise you!
Did you know that Buddy is running for president?
Is Warehouse Shopping a Scam?
When I was younger and shopped for a family of four these kind of places seemed like a good idea. Then I started comparing them to Walmart prices and found them lacking. I checked one of them out this afternoon and my mind was not changed.. especially when the membership is over $50.
Do you warehouse shop? If so, what do you like about it?
Preventing Cyber Monday Identity Theft
Sadly this is a time of the year that identity thieves prey on folks making purchases online. So on this day called Cyber Monday I give you the following checklist with complements of the folks at ProtectMyID.com and ConsumerInfo.com:
Ann and I will probably do a bit of online shopping this season. How about you?
- Don't access secure websites, such as online banking, from shared computers or in public.
- Use the privacy settings on social networking sites to ensure you're only sharing information with those you trust.
- Only provide your Social Security number when necessary, such as for employment, tax forms or bank records.
- Be careful opening files, links, emails, etc. from unknown sources or from a friend's account that may have been hacked.
- Check the security of online stores before you purchase.
- Shred all sensitive information before throwing in the trash
- When sharing personal information with certain professionals, such as tax preparers or mortgage lenders, be sure to choose companies you trust.

Ann and I will probably do a bit of online shopping this season. How about you?
Does God need a Lobbyist?
Many of us in the religious sector decry the systematic abuses of lobbyists in Washington, DC. With that backdrop I read with interest a post titled Lobbying for the Faithful. Here are a few interesting bits from it:
"The number of organizations engaged in religious lobbying or religion-related advocacy in Washington, D.C., has increased roughly fivefold in the past four decades, from fewer than 40 in 1970 to more than 200 today."
"Efforts by religious groups to influence U.S. public policy are a multimillion-dollar endeavor, with combined annual expenditures conservatively estimated at more than $390 million."
Do you think that religious folks should be using lobbyists and spending millions of dollars trying to influence public policy. I have my doubts.
Happy Bottoms
I am always amazed by the creative and imaginative ways that people find to help folks who are struggling and in need. Consider this clip from the Happy Bottoms website:
The need is so great because federal programs like food stamps do not help with this basic need. I plan to check Happy Bottoms out further and see how I can help. Does your town have a group that helps in this area?Imagine choosing between diapers or paying your electric bill. Or putting gas in your car. Tough choice, right? Now imagine making that decision every day. Chances are you won’t face this scenario, but it’s a common one for low-income families.
We hope to alleviate situations like these by holding diaper donation drives throughout Kansas City, and we ask you to join us. Whether you’re donating or sponsoring a drive, it’s a simple, easy process that supports a basic need – and makes a big difference in children’s lives.
Made in Dagenham | ★★★★★★★
I think that the Occupy Wall Street protests could take a cue from this 2010 flick that tells the story of a 1968 labor strike initiated by hundreds of women who rebelled against discrimination and demanded the same pay as men for their work in a Ford manufacturing plant in London. Here are a few pointers the OWS could learn from these passionate women:
1) A great cause requires a great leader. In the film the amazing Rita O'Grady (played by Sally Hawkins) rises from obscurity and defeats a gigantic auto maker. It is a great David and Goliath story.
2) You have to know what you are protesting about. Equal pay for equal work was uncommon in the 60s but these women knew they were in the right.
3) You need the support of others. At first the men were not on the women's side because the strike was negatively affecting their jobs. Things changed when the men changed. Shared sacrifice was essential to succeed.
I enjoyed the film and its message. On a scale of ten I give it ★★★★★★★.
Interesting to note that some think that women's pay may overtake men's pay by 2020. Do you think it will?
1) A great cause requires a great leader. In the film the amazing Rita O'Grady (played by Sally Hawkins) rises from obscurity and defeats a gigantic auto maker. It is a great David and Goliath story.
2) You have to know what you are protesting about. Equal pay for equal work was uncommon in the 60s but these women knew they were in the right.
3) You need the support of others. At first the men were not on the women's side because the strike was negatively affecting their jobs. Things changed when the men changed. Shared sacrifice was essential to succeed.
I enjoyed the film and its message. On a scale of ten I give it ★★★★★★★.
FYI: Access my new movie reviews web page by clicking on "Movie Reviews" in the navigation bar above.
Happy Thanksgiving
- Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving -
Occupy Black Friday?
Saw this image on the Occupy KC website along with a few videos of folks being trampled trying to get into stores and score deals on Black Friday (i.e. the day after Thanksgiving). Also saw a few clips on TV of folks camping out at Best Buy and Target waiting for the great deals on that day. Seems like a bit of insanity just to score a few hundred bucks off a big screen television.
Guess Black Friday has never been much of an attraction for me.
How about you? Are you planning to get to a store before the sun comes up?
Crony Capitalism: Socialism for Tycoons
Many of my libertarian and conservative friends often regale the virtues of capitalism and free markets. Some of them however understand that much of what our system looks like these days is an example Crony Capitalism. Here is how Wikipedia defines it:
Here are a few of his thoughts:
Crony capitalism is a term describing a capitalist economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, and so forth.Nicholas D. Kristof shares this about it in his New York Times opinion piece titled "Crony Capitalism Comes Home".
Here are a few of his thoughts:
I’m as passionate a believer in capitalism as anyone. My Krzysztofowicz cousins (who didn’t shorten the family name) lived in Poland, and their experience with Communism taught me that the way to raise living standards is capitalism. But, in recent years, some financiers have chosen to live in a government-backed featherbed. Their platform seems to be socialism for tycoons and capitalism for the rest of us.The lack of accountability in Crony Capitalism is troubling. The lawmakers in DC do not seem to have it. The executives in Corporate America do not want it. And the rest of us seem powerless. Small wonder that some feel a need to protest.
Capitalism is so successful an economic system partly because of an internal discipline that allows for loss and even bankruptcy. It’s the possibility of failure that creates the opportunity for triumph. Yet many of America’s major banks are too big to fail, so they can privatize profits while socializing risk.
The upshot is that financial institutions boost leverage in search of supersize profits and bonuses. Banks pretend that risk is eliminated because it’s securitized. Rating agencies accept money to issue an imprimatur that turns out to be meaningless. The system teeters, and then the taxpayer rushes in to bail bankers out. Where’s the accountability?
On Education and Learning ...
In light of this interesting chart I thought that I might share a few thoughts from educated folks on the topic ...
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." -Albert EinsteinI tend to agree with Einstein's sentiment about education and learning. What do you think?
"Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching." -Oscar Wilde
"No man ever prayed heartily without learning something." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"We do not learn; and what we call learning is only a process of recollection." -Plato
"The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all." -Harry S. Truman
America is 83% Religious
To listen to many folks these days one might think that there is an onslaught invasion by a massive anti-God army in America taking place. This USA Today Faith Topography seems to indicate otherwise. I guess many atheists are outspoken causing them to seem to be large in number while many religious people exercise a faith that is a bit quieter.
Feel free to check out the faith topography of your state here.
Stress Test | Not the Treadmill Type
Yes, I have had several treadmill stress tests that have evidenced a healthy heart. I take them because my cholesterol levels run a bit high. But that is not what this post is about. It is about the other kind of stress - sometimes I forget that stress is something that I can do something about. Consider this excerpt from Kim Allen's post Storm Warning ...
When did we forget that stress is the body's way of warning us something is out of kilter? Take this short 'stress test' if you're still not sure it's time to stop all the talking and do something about it.
Low stress levels
When did we forget that stress is the body's way of warning us something is out of kilter? Take this short 'stress test' if you're still not sure it's time to stop all the talking and do something about it.

- I feel well
- I am able to relax
- Physical recreation brings me pleasure
- Increasing pressure enhances my performance
- My thinking is clear and I learn easily
- I am able to say "No"
- Others see me as adaptable & approachable
- Others see me as energized and successful
- I feel driven, hyperactive, and restless
- I tend to make snap decisions but with errors
- I feel over-burdened but can still say "No"
- I often feel tired but am taking steps to recover
- I often try to squeeze a few extra drops out of my performance
- Discipline, fitness, social pressure & stimulants play a greater role in my ability to perform
- My sleep is just about adequate
- Others see me as tired yet successful
- I often loose perspective
- I feel irritable & on edge
- I complain and grumble regularly
- I work longer hours but get less done
- My home/work balance is suffering
- I have repeated minor ailments, aches and pains
- I don't think as clearly as I used to
- I have sleep problems
- I feel like I'm operating in survival mode
The Values Debate
Richard Cizik was the vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals from 1998 to 2008. He left that group and started the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. He understands the political issues relevant to evangelical voters at a very detailed level. So I was interested in his Washington Post editorial titled "The values debate we’re not having". Here are a few clips from it:
As an evangelical Christian who believes the Republican Party does not have a monopoly on moral values, I believe this discussion is long overdue. The “compassionate conservatism” espoused by President George W. Bush and many prominent evangelical leaders has been supplanted by a Tea Party ideology that bears more resemblance to the anti-Christian philosophy of Ayn Rand than it does to the Gospel.I suggest you read the rest of the article here. And if you are one who says that the government should not be involved in the welfare of the poorest I suggest that you point me to religious institutions (i.e. churches, mosques and synagogues) that spend more money on the poor than they do on brick, mortar and salaries. They may be out there but most of these institutions look more like fraternal organizations than advocates for the poorest amongst us.
Whether the Christian duty to love our neighbors is compatible with a political movement that embraces radical individualism and rejects the ethic of collective responsibility is a central question as the GOP attempts to cement the Tea Party and the religious right into a cohesive base. Tea Party activists and Republican leaders have consistently targeted for cutbacks vital government programs that protect the poor, the elderly, children and other vulnerable Americans. Yet calls for shared sacrifice and proposals to modestly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans in order to fund investments and protections that promote the common good are derided as “class warfare.” This is what passes for family values?
At a time when our nation is plagued by the worst poverty rates in decades, religious leaders are not buying this narrow ideological agenda. In fact, evangelicals, Catholic bishops and Protestant leaders are leading a “Circle of Protection” campaign to defend government programs that provide a basic measure of dignity and security to those struggling to make ends meet. We are also urging a balanced approach to deficit reduction that doesn’t put the greatest burden on those hit hardest by the economic crisis.
Ancient Sounds
Well maybe not really ancient but these sounds from the folks at Mental Floss bring back a lot memories.
Here is the list in short of "11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard":
Any of those bring back memories? I suggest that you check out the entire post, replete with videos, here.
Here is the list in short of "11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard":
- Rotary Dial Phone
- Manual Typewriter
- Coffee Percolator
- Flash Cube
- TV Channel Selector
- Record Changer
- Gas Station Driveway Bell
- TV Station Sign-Off
- Cash Register
- Film Projector
- Broken Record
Any of those bring back memories? I suggest that you check out the entire post, replete with videos, here.
What is an Abundant Life?
Last week in our small group we read and talked about John 10 where Jesus speaks of a life filled with abundance. Our leader asked us what the words "abundant life" meant to us. Each shared a different perspective. Some mentioned experiencing life with your heart and others talked about having a life described as a cup that is filled to over flowing. I mentioned a life that is filled with the fruit of God's spirit (i.e. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). What do you think of when you hear the words "abundant life"?
The Inequality Map
I am a big fan of David Brooks and find his writings to be interesting and thought provoking. Such is the case with his most recent NY Times editorial titled The Inequality Map. In it he writes about inequality that is acceptable and inequality that is not. Here is a clip that speaks to his point:
He goes on to sarcastically speak of inequality in the realms of academia, ancestry, church, sports, income, spending, technology and other areas. I particularly like this example of inequality:Fitness inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly fine to wear tight workout sweats to show the world that pilates have given you buns of steel. These sorts of displays are welcomed as evidence of your commendable self-discipline and reproductive merit.
Moral fitness inequality is unacceptable. It is out of bounds to boast of your superior chastity, integrity, honor or honesty. Instead, one must respect the fact that we are all morally equal, though our behavior and ethical tastes may differ.
Travel inequality is acceptable. It is perfectly normal to have separate check-in lines and boarding procedures for airline patrons who have achieved Gold, Platinum, Double Ruby or Sun God status.I think that you will find the whole piece interesting especially if you enjoy a bit of a sarcastic approach to this kind of topic. I recommend that you read it here and let me know if you have a favorite inequality line.
Institutionalized Congressional Corruption Revulsion
The 60 Minutes episode titled "Congress: Trading stock on inside information?" is one of the most troubling things that I have ever watched. Here are a few telling clips from the transcript:
Most former congressmen and senators manage to leave Washington - if they ever leave Washington - with more money in their pockets than they had when they arrived, and as you are about to see, the biggest challenge is often avoiding temptation.You would do well to watch the 15 minute installment at the 60 minutes webpage here. If you do please let me know if you came away with as much revulsion for our lawmakers as I did.
Schweizer says he wanted to know why some congressmen and senators managed to accumulate significant wealth beyond their salaries, and proved particularly adept at buying and selling stocks.
There are all sorts of forms of honest grafts that congressmen engage in that allow them to become very, very wealthy. So it's not illegal, but I think it's highly unethical, I think it's highly offensive, and wrong.
Facebook as Evidence in a Divorce
Sometimes it is even heard to believe the headlines these days. Such was the case when I read a ZDNet post titled "Couple ordered to swap Facebook passwords in divorce case". Here are a few clips from it:
New London District Superior Court Judge Kenneth Shluger recently ordered a divorcing couple to hand over their “Facebook and dating website passwords” to each other’s lawyers.You can read more of the story here. Had not really thought of all of the implications that social networking sites like Facebook could present when a marriage goes south. Wonder how much things like this happen?
Interestingly, the ruling forces both parties to violate Facebook’s terms of service.
The issue was first raised when Stephen found some information on the couple’s computer regarding her feelings toward their children and her ability to take care of them, according to Forbes.
Courtney initially refused, but on her own lawyer’s advice, she eventually handed over the passwords. She then reportedly texted a friend and asked him or her to change said passwords and delete some of her messages. Since the destruction of evidence is illegal, Traystman went to the judge and asked him to issue an injunction, so that she would not delete be able to delete any further material and so the attorneys could exchange passwords for both spouses.
As I’ve reported in the past, the evidence from social networking sites is becoming more and more useful in lawsuits and divorces.
The Company Men | ★★★
This movie was billed as one of the best of the year. It was not and maybe that is it's subtle message. The movie tries to mirror the angst in modern day America where fat cat executives get richer as they lay off their employees.
The movie begins when a junior exec, played by Ben Affleck, is laid off with others as his company downsizes. The separation package includes twelve weeks of severance and six months of help finding a job. Things get bad as he goes through the grieving process and eventually is forced to eat a slice of humble pie and work as a laborer for his brother-in-law. That worked but I thought that his eventual job ending was pretty unrealistic.
In some ways the movie was thoughtful and got me thinking about the year after I was laid off and looking for work. Even so the story came across as more of a caricature rather than reality because of how the main character is a junior fat-cat himself who made big bucks, drove an expensive car and lived way above his means. It was simply hard to feel sorry for someone who seemed so detached from reality. The movie would have worked better if the character was an assembly line worker for that same company.
So despite a wealth of great actors I cannot give this one high marks. On a scale of ten I give this movie ★★★.
FYI: Access my new movie reviews web page by clicking on "Movie Reviews" in the navigation bar above.
What it means to Let Go
To “LET GO” is not to deny, but to accept.
To “LET GO” is not to cut myself off, it’s the realization I can’t control another.
To “LET GO” is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To “LET GO” is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.
To “LET GO” is to fear less and love more.
To “LET GO” is not to judge, but allow another to be a human being.
To “LET GO” is not to care for, but to care about.
To “LET GO” is not to be protective, it’s to permit another to face reality.
To “LET GO” is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To “LET GO” is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
To “LET GO” is not to try to change or blame another, it’s to make the most of myself.
To “LET GO” does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else.
To “LET GO” is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To “LET GO” is not to nag, scold, or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To “LET GO” is not to criticize and regulate anybody, but to try and become what I can be.
To “LET GO” is not to adjust everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes, and cherish myself in it.
..complements of Barbara.. one of my favorite bloggers.
An Aging Veterans Prayer

And i still believe in what you stand for, now that i have grown grey and old.
We live in a republic where freedom of speech, justice,liberty and equality for all, are the mortar, brick,foundation and cornerstone of our great democracy.
Precious guidelines and undeniable truths that our founding fathers weaved and express so eloquently in the U.S.CONSTITUTION.
Principles to strive for and live by not for just the present moment,but for a lifetime. Every second, minute,hour and day of each and every passing year.
Our past and present veterans blood was shed and flesh was torn on foreign battle fields in defense of these shining truths and principles so others should remain free.
So please keep us vets in your heart felt thoughts and prayers for we are growing old, you see.
Liberty and freedom comes at a high cost and is never really free,For without the sacrifice of our brave armed forces there would be no liberty.
So, always remember the one's who fell in combat and the aging veterans who still remain... and when you meet and greet them tell them their heroic efforts in defense of freedom and liberty were not fought in vain."
Copyright Joseph P. Martino 2005
Misplaced Allegiance
The big story this week about how child abuse was overlooked by management at Penn State reminds me of how people sometimes misplace their responsibility to the helpless for a perverted allegiance to people in power. It gets me to wondering how many people misplace national, political and religious allegiances. Sadly responsibility and integrity is often sacrificed on the altar of allegiance to undeserving people.
Can you think of any examples from this week's news?
The Anyone but Romney Candidates
Conservative blogger Erick Erickson over at RedState.com is frustrated with the race for the GOP presidency. Here are a few clips about the candidates Erick feels can win next year from his recent post titled "Perry, Gingrich, Cain, and Huntsman. Oh My."
- Rick Perry: He just has to improve his debating skills and figure out how to reconcile his immigration views with the base (not easily done).
- Herman Cain: I do not know that he can improve his image with women quickly enough.
- Newt Gingrich: Throughout his long career, has a habit of shooting himself and others in the foot and I sometimes get the impression that Gingrich, like George W. Bush before him, thinks conservatism is what he says it is and not what it actually is.
- Jon Huntsman: I still find it shocking that the guy running as the liberal in the race, or at least the media accepted moderate, came up withe boldest, most conservative economic plan. His deficit reduction plan alone makes all the others look weak.

What Earthquake?
Seeing this funny pic on Facebook reminded me that folks on the first and third floors of my building said that they felt some shaking from the Oklahoma earthquake last Saturday night. We are on the second floor and felt nothing. I wonder why?
Atheists have Commandments?

- "The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity and love. Respect these above all."
The longer I live the more I understand how love really trumps everything else. I think that the secret to integrating love into the reality of our lives is humility. This, I think, is where many (including atheists) come up short.
- "Do not put things or even ideas above other human beings."
Hard to argue this point. Religious people have been doing this for ages. Interesting that even atheists seem to operate from commandments.
Trying on the new Dynamic Views from Blogger
As you may have noticed, the blog looks a lot different today. That’s because I am trying out a new set of Blogger templates called Dynamic Views.
Launched recently, Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that makes it easier and faster for readers to explore blogs in interactive ways. I am using the Magazine view, but you can also preview the blog in any of the other six new views by using the view selection bar at the top left of the screen.
Launched recently, Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that makes it easier and faster for readers to explore blogs in interactive ways. I am using the Magazine view, but you can also preview the blog in any of the other six new views by using the view selection bar at the top left of the screen.
I have not decided on it yet and would love to hear your thoughts.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Shred it Now!
Years ago we bought a shredder and have not regretted the investment one bit. In fact, we wore our old one out and had to buy a new one last year when we downsized and move. Matt Brownell recently offered "8 things you should shred right now". Here is his list:
Did you find this helpful? Anything missing on the list? Do you own a shredder?
- Old Tax Returns | older than three years
- Bank Statements | especially old one with SSNs
- Credit Card Offers | tearing up is not enough
- Old Photo IDs | info on it can be used
- Pay Stubs | gold mine for identity theft
- Convenience Checks | from credit card offers
- Cancelled Checks | contain bank routing info
- Cancelled Credit Cards | info on mag strip

Did you find this helpful? Anything missing on the list? Do you own a shredder?
Saturday Evening Blog Post

If you blog then you might be interested in being a part of the Saturday Evening Blog Post that is featuring favorite posts from October. Just click here and join in.
This month I am featuring the my October post titled "Why I Reject Christian Universalism". If you missed the post I hope you will check it out and let me know what you think.
Andy Rooney, 1919-2011
Rarely has there been a voice in our culture like Andy's. A guy who covered World War II, saw so much in his life and offered a weekly opinion on the events of the day. I enjoyed listening to Andy on 60 Minutes and will always remember him sitting behind his desk. My prayers for comfort go out today for his family and close friends.
The Unintended Consequences of Choices
These images are bouncing around Facebook these days and I thought that I might offer a few comments:
1) Choices do have consequences.
2) We don't choose consequences.
3) Often they are unintended.
4) The unintended ones get you.
5) Caring has consequences.
6) Care about people not opinions.
7) Caring can imprison you.
8) It can also set you free.
The Self Importance of Little States in the Primaries
The GOP primaries are not too far away. According to this webpage, determining how many delegates will go to the national convention is based on an interesting combination of the number of Republicans elected to the State Legislatures, Governors chairs, U.S. House seats, and U.S. Senators seats through 31 December 2011. Unpledged delegate counts are determined by state (or equivalent) party rules.
The states colored in red on this map hold primaries in January. The state of Iowa with 38 delegates (out of 2,284 nationally) holds a caucus on January third. The New Hampshire primary (with a whopping 12 delegates) is seven days later. Eleven days after that the stakes are so much higher when 25 delegates are in play when South Carolina holds a primary. Ten days later, 50 delegates are at stake when Florida holds a primary.
These states declare themselves important simply because they are first. Some of us don't think they should not have any influence and will not be swayed by their biases.
The states colored in red on this map hold primaries in January. The state of Iowa with 38 delegates (out of 2,284 nationally) holds a caucus on January third. The New Hampshire primary (with a whopping 12 delegates) is seven days later. Eleven days after that the stakes are so much higher when 25 delegates are in play when South Carolina holds a primary. Ten days later, 50 delegates are at stake when Florida holds a primary.
These states declare themselves important simply because they are first. Some of us don't think they should not have any influence and will not be swayed by their biases.
Viral Misinformation
It seems like I get a viral email message forwarded to me every week. The latest message of misinformation ends saying "If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message".
Small wonder that people are so sadly and badly misinformed these days.
Small wonder that people are so sadly and badly misinformed these days.
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