
Unknown | ★★★★★★

I liked Liam Neeson's "Taken" flick so much that I think that my expectations were a bit too high for this movie. Like so many movies these days this one suffers from a lack of editing. I fast forwarded through a few of the early chase and fight scenes but I thought that the plot picked up towards the middle. Neeson plays a doctor who wakes after a car accident with his identity stolen and being chase by bad dudes. The plot develops as he attempts to reclaim his life with a help of a cab driver played by Diane Kruger. Didn't like the ending but, overall, I enjoyed "Unknown" and recommend it to you if you like suspenseful stories and movies with plot twists.

On a scale of ten I give this movie ★★★★★★.

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  1. I really thought 'Taken' was excellent...on the edge of my seat the whole time.

    Haven't seen this one. He is such a good actor.

  2. I liked this movie! I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

  3. While this story takes a lot of unexpected twists in an M.night Shyamalan way, it represents a danger (though also exaggerated) in car accidents and illegal trafficking.

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