
Ridiculous Religulous

Hard to know where to begin. Caveat first: I did not watch the entire movie.. I could not stomach the way that Bill Maher edited conversations with any credible religious people to make his ridiculous points. The movie, the 30 minutes I viewed of it, was all about Maher and his atheistic bias. I did fast forward to the end trying to get a glimpse of any credible theologian.. and of course none were to be found. In fact, I did not see him talk to any religious scholars at all. Instead he preferred to ridiculously pretend to want to know what people really thought. It was sad - even for Maher. He is not a stupid man and really should not be making incoherent drivel such as this so-called movie.


  1. I could tell by just looking at the title that the movie would be ridiculous.

  2. What a waste of time and money making that movie. All I can say is I hope the Lord open's his eyes, before the final judgement, and he finds out the TRUTH!! How sad that so many "smart" people are so easily deceived!

  3. It's not smarts that helps you see the truth. Or a bunch of us would be a world of hurt. :)

  4. Of course he finds the most un-educated, ignorant, stupid looking Christians he can find to debate and make religion look it. Prime example of athiesm.

  5. Well, it's a good movie. But I think for some people it is very difficult to stomach the idea that religion is not about intelligence at all, but about doing something with our fears. The one who's affraid never understands the one who doesn't, and vice versa.


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