
Drive First | Sprint's Android Curb Texting App

Engadget posted this week about Sprint's new Android app that will prevent you from using your cell phone while driving. Here is a clip from the piece:
Are you concerned that your talky teenager is trying to keep up on the high school gossip whilst behind the wheel? Or are you a more experienced driver looking to get rid of the temptation to update your status at 65 MPH? Sprint's got you covered with Drive First. The app, announced by CEO Dan Hesse at CTIA in March, will lock up your phone when it detects you're in a moving vehicle; calls will be automatically redirected to voicemail and incoming texts can get automatically replied to with a customized message. The service costs $2 / month per phone.
Could be a good thing for parents but I do wonder how you would keep your kids from uninstalling the app from their phone? Also wonder why you would want to disable your phone when you are a passenger in a moving vehicle. I have more questions than answers.

What do you think? Would you spend the extra $2/month for the feature if you had teens?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you - though I'm mostly the driver, I use my phone a lot when I'm the passenger. Google maps, for example, so we can see where we are going.

    I would imagine that if a parent wanted to install it for their child, they should password-protect the removal of the application. Much like parental locks on the TV.


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