
Discovering the New Normal

I think the hardest thing for me was admitting there was something wrong with me and listening to my body; Not worrying about what people were thinking about me.

When you look normal on the outside, meaning you show no outward signs of being sick, you know that people have a hard time understanding or having sympathy to your illness. This is something that I know first hand. I was one of those people.

That I know is one of the things that God wanted me to learn through my own illness.

My family has learned a new normal. We all understand that it may have to be adjusted day by day, but communication and honesty about how I feel is a huge key it keeping a peace around our house! No matter what God is with me always and with Him I can do all things! Maybe not the way I used to, but by His grace I find a new way!

..excerpted from Discovering a New Normal by Keri Delphia


  1. A good word, Bob.

    Had my doctors appointment today and the paper work is sent to the insurance for approval for my gall bladder surgery. Not looking forward to surgery, but will sure not miss the pain.

  2. My sister has a chronic illness. She has faced the kind of discrimination that comes from being devastatingly ill but looking like you are healthy.


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