
Rolling the Blogroll

Since starting to blog in 2005 I have made a lot of friends in the Blogosphere. Many of those friends no longer blog and many no longer read my bloggings. So I thought that I might solicit some input from you all.

If you read here please let me know if you would like to be added-to/kept-on my blogroll. Also let me know if you have me on your blogroll. Thanks for your help!


  1. i'd like to be kept on your blogroll. I don't really blog as often but when i can think of a topic, i try to.

  2. I'd like to be added if you would like. On the Journey

  3. I would like to stay...

    I got you on mine... Blogger has a "Gadget" called "Blog List" that lists the last post of everyone on it. Mine is sorted by last post so the top is the most recent and freshest.

  4. Your on mine, and I am on 1100 daily posts heading toward three years. I wonder if I will ever stop enjoying it? So far I am. And I enjoy your thoughts as well.

  5. I be readin' yourn and listin' you on mine as I is listed on yourn and you be readin' mine.

  6. I read every time you post, even though I might not comment. I don't know if I am on your blog role or not, but would be honored.

    I guess I need to check to see if you are on mine, but I wonder if that brings any more traffic to the different blogs. According to the stats on your blog, you have a lot more people stopping by than I do, by a LOT!

  7. I still keep up in Google reader and on f/b, and I still blog at least weekly, though my creative writing stuff doesn't fit a typical blog

  8. I have you on my blogroll and would appreciate remaining on yours.

  9. Yes Bob, please keep me on your blogroll.
    You have been on mine for a long time.
    I would miss your interesting thoughts and support.

  10. I'd like to remain. It's the only prestigious list I can lay claim to!

  11. I am not as frequent as I used to be, but I am still alive, so please keep me on your roll. You are on mine, BTW. Thanks!

  12. Brother, first, you are in my blogroll. Second, I read everyday, I do not always comment for one reason for another. Third, I count our friendship a blessing!

  13. Bob, I adore your blogs! Keep me on, please!

  14. i'm with Heather! You're "blobs" are great! :) seriously, though... I appreciate you and your writing very much!

  15. Thank you all for your encouraging comments. I am blessed to be in virtual community with you all.

    I think that everyone who replied is either on my blogroll or was added.

    I sent a personal reply to everyone that I have an email address for. If you did not get a reply please consider sending me your email address at Look forward to hearing from you.

  16. I'm usual:D but I'm definitely staying. God bless you!


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