
Charged Roadways

The idea of electric cars have been in the news occasionally for decades. The challenge has always been the charging of such vehicles. Found this tidbit in a ZDNet article today.
SmartPlanet contributing editor Mark Halper reports from the England that a British car-racing team will soon start easing a technology for dynamic or “on-the-go” charging. The idea is that the roadway would include power strips that would charge a vehicle as it moves along. Yes, kind of like those toy car and train sets that you used to have when you were a kid.

Halper reports that Drayson Racing Technologies is working on the concept with HaloIPT, a company in London that develops wireless charging technology for electric vehicles.
Not sure how realistic such a wireless charging technology idea is but I like the concept a lot more than that of having a charging station at home - especially for people like me who live in condos/apartments and do not have available power sources in their parking laces.

Interested in going electric? What would it take for you to buy a pure electric vehicle?

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