
Are you a Dog or Cat person?

I have had both and I am definitely a dog person. They seem more responsive to me.


  1. I am definitely a dog person. I don't mind cats, I just don't want to have one.

  2. remove the claws, and i'm definitely a cat person :)

  3. It all depends on how they are prepared, oh, wait, we aren't eating them? ;-)

    I'm an other peoples pets person.

    My cousin is an all pets person, he has had dogs, cats, scorpions, tarantulas, and all sorts of reptiles and amphibians.

  4. We had a cat for 18 years. She was with me when the children left the nest and after my husband died. She was his faithful companion every morning as he went through his morning routine.

    After he was gone, she got into bed with me, got under the covers with her head sticking out, looking at me. I'm sure she was wondering where he was. I missed her after she died, but I decided not to have another one.

    I love dogs, but I don't want to spend the time that it takes to train one, or meeting their daily needs.

  5. I love them both, but if I could only have one, I'd choose a dog.

    I actually love all types of animals and have had various types of pets over the years including: rabbit, snake, rats, duck, frogs, hermit crabs, hamsters, mice, gerbils, dove, parakeet and tortoise :)

  6. I love dogs. I just can't eat a whole one by myself. :)

  7. Really, both. We've had two good dogs and five good cats over the years.


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